Upcomming ex: Spoon Me & Same but Different

Upcomming ex: Spoon Me & Same but Different

I’m participating in the Canadian show : Spoons Are the New Cup – Spoon ME. Can a spoon be an inspiration for a sculpture?I have been working with architectural spoons. I have been carving my way into the clay as old wooden spoon makers. The result are...
Upcomming ex: Spoon Me & Same but Different

nye udstillinger: Spoon ME & Same but Different

Jeg deltager i udstillingen: Spoons Are the New Cup – Spoon ME i Canada. Kan en ske være skulptur? Jeg har arbejdet med arkitektioniske “Skeer”. Jeg har skåret i leret som om det var et stykke træ. Det er resulteret i en serie rosa arkitektur skeer....
Realease of my new Mugs!

Realease of my new Mugs!

Please come and join me for the realse of my new mugs, I have been back on the wheel to develop a new seies of mugs, it has been really fun and a good challenge for me. I se mugs a sculptural form. I have explored diffenent ways to create handels, with inspiration...
Are you going to buy a personal gift this year for Christmas?

Are you going to buy a personal gift this year for Christmas?

Are you going Christmas shopping? Buy personal gifts at my and Mette Mailund Strongs open studio sale! Please visit us at Mette Mailunds studio and house. We will present our work under a private view, on the 7th and 8th of December. From eleven to four o’clock....