Artmoney in New York

Artmoney in New York

I’m participation in a huge Artmoney exhibition. I contribute with 20 very thin Artmoney in porcelain. The exhibition is to be shown at Gallery of the Tribes New York, 13th to 27th of September. Opening Saturday at 2 o’clock. Please come to the opening....
Artmoney in New York

Artmoney i New York

I’m participation in a huge Artmoney exhibition. I contribute with 20 very thin Artmoney in porcelain. The exhibition is to be shown at Gallery of the Tribes New York, 13th to 27th of September. Opening Saturday at 2 o’clock. Please come to the opening....
Årets kunstner

Årets kunstner

I januar 2013 blev jeg kåret til Årets Kunster i familie og beskæftigelses forvaltningen i Aalborg Kommunes kunstforening. Min inspiration til opgaven fandt jeg på havnen i Aalborg, 350 små skulpturer i form af en pullert. Det lille objekt der forbinder vand og land....