Exhibitions & News
This is where you can find me, your always welcome to contact me for further info about my work.19th.-21.th September Japan in Tversted
Textile designer Lotte Kjær and myself are presenting our little collabortive table at an interesting event in Tversted Denmark. The event host japanese and danish craft markers. Follow the link for more information about all the activities going on up in the North of Denmark.
4th.-5th. October Open Studio - SPOR KUNSTEN
SPOR KUNSTEN is an open studio event in the whole region where I live, 80 professional artist will participate. So mark you calendar and study the program and make an exchiting trip to visit artists that you have selected. We are open from 11.00- 17.00 I will be ready to welcome you in my studio. I will serve some drinks and some snacks. Would love to have you visiting me.
4th. October -1st. November. Cup: The Intimate Object XV Charlie Cummings Gallery
I have been invited to this great event in Charlie Cummings Gallery in Florida. Mark you calendar on the 5th of October, the online sale opens. I have five great Yunomis in the show.
October 5, noon EST: Exhibition/Shop opens online
Cahrlie Cummings Gallery, Gainesville, FL (US)
6th. 7th. 8th. of December Christmas event Copenhagen
Væveværkstedet/Weavingstudio on Frederiksberg/Copehagen has invited me as a guest again this year to their popular studio sale . Its a real authentic beautiful weaving studio, such a nice feeling there. I will be there and presenting my work. open from 10-17. More info later.
Address: Smallegade 52 D Frederiksberg
7th. 20th. December Group Exhibition Morsø Kunstforening
I have been invited to exhibit at Morsø Kunstforening an great organisation that organises exhibitions in a beautiful place right at the harbour, on the small island MORS. Unfortnuately Im not there for the opening, as I am in Copenhagen for the Christmas event.
Holmen 7C
7900 Nykøbing Mors
Tuesday – Sunday (Monday closed)
Kl. 12.00 – 17.00
28th. of February On The Road- Huset for Kunst & Design
18th. of January 2020 USELESS - Kunstpakhuset Ikast
Kunstpakhuset makes fantastic exchibitions, I am really looking forward to exhibit there together with Mette Mailund Strong, Lis Rejnert and Lars Valdemar